Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin Lozenges


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Vitamin B12 100 lozenges .  RM 55 per bottle.

For Pernicious Anemia. Symptoms are:
Very tired, lack of energy
Loss of appetite
Low blood count
Pale and yellow skin
Cannot concentrate
Shortness of breath during exercise
Numbness in hands and feets

Vitamin B12 from Methylcobalamin (Avoid cheap synthetic form of Cyanocobalamin, common available B12 in the market). Take only Methylcobalamin, which is the form in nature.

Each lozenge contain 1000mcg methylcobalamin.

Dissolved orally. Great taste

B12 should be taken by direct injection to ensure full absorption. Oral doses by mouth results in little absorption, which may explain low toxicity.

Expiry date September 2015